Forming a 2022 Detroit Slam Team

Teaming Up

The Big Ethical Question Slam is an ideal event for members of organizations and groups of friends (ages 21 and over) who want to participate in a different kind of competition. It is that rare event--which challenges us to think out loud and together with other community residents--about ethical issues.

Forming a team for the Slam is straightforward. The Slam welcomes teams of 2 to 6 people. Most teams come from workplaces, including community nonprofits and local businesses. It is also possible to create a team of neighbors, family and friends.

Using the Slam for Team-Building and Learning

The event spaces for the Slam comfortably accommodate six teams. Based on experience from many previous Slams, here are a few suggestions to consider in creating your Slam team: 

  • The questions are usually from different fields, among them, medicine, business, sport, education, government and the military. The Slam can also support a theme. For example, the 2022 Ann Arbor Slam theme is environmental ethics. So...Slams with a theme include questions on one subject.
  • You may not get the question you know most about. Just be prepared to answer all of the questions. In fact, it is a really good idea to look at the types of questions your team will be called on to answer. To do this, please go to the Slam Question Archive from Slams of lore and legend. Indeed, for veteran slammers, the best part about the Slam is preparing the questions with their team members before the event. They get together, talk about the questions and share their ideas. This team-building aspect of the Slam is the main reason why many teams get involved. 
  • It is also a good idea to include someone on your team who feels at home in front of a group, or alternatively is interested in becoming a better public speaker. Even so, you and your team should not be worried. We are all at the Slam to celebrate ideas and to talk about ethics. We are not there to audition for a Ted talk. And remember...the Slam is a thinking event in or brewery.  

Team Names and Introduction

Please feel free to give your team a name for everyone to remember you by. Among our favorites: 

Dickinson Do-Righters
The Hypoethicals
Kant Touch This
We Nietzsche To Buy Us A Round

You may also decide to have a team uniform or start a new ethical fashion. As a matter of fact, in the 2022 Ann Arbor Slam edition--you are encouraged to have a with an environmental twist. 

Finally, if you are representing an organization, you are welcome to bring some literature to give to the audience about your organization.  

Team Registration

Once you have formed your team, it is easy to enter and register. The team registration fee is $35.00.

Slam registrations for the year are generally open until two weeks before the event. For Slams in which more than six teams entered, we conduct a random selection by drawing them from the Philosopher's Hat. If your team is not selected, your registration fee will be refunded. For Slams that are more than one year old, A2Ethics reserves a place for the previous year's winning Slammers.