August 21st, 2021 - December 7th, 2021
Moderated by Gabriel Kahn, A2Ethics Board Member
An article in the Harvard Gazette talking about opportunities and ethical concerns with AI
A New York Times Daily Podcast talking about machine learning for facial recognition
A podcast interview of Walter Isaacson, author of The Code Breaker, on CRISPR
An article in Forbes sharing an ethics perspective on Facebook
An article in the Harvard Gazette about Facebook's moral quandary
A TED Talk titled: What obligation do social media platforms have to the greater good?
An article in the Harvard Gazette about the rise of data privacy concerns
A podcast discussing The Ethics of Privacy Online
January 18th, 2022 - March 29th, 2022
Moderated by Veronica Sikora, Senior at the University of Michigan studying Philosophy and Molecular Biology
A Stat news article describing what's wrong with the human reference genome, and why we should care.
A TED-style talk on how increased access to genetic information can inform our understanding of race, ethnicity, and ancestry.
A Journal of Ethics article on the Havasupai debacle and how it cautions future attempts to solicit genetic information from vulnerable communities.
A brief pros/cons summary about the Open Access movement in scientific research and the responses from different stakeholders.
A YouTube video on Josiah Zayner, a "biohacker" who wants to make gene-editing more accessible to everyone.
An article about CRISPR-Cas9 and the potential for bioweapons
Recommend reading the following sections: I.Introduction, IV. Analysis, and V. Conclusion.
A Vox video explaining how gene drives work and how they are being applied to reduce the spread and incidence of malaria in Africa.
A Vox article (accompanying the video) that goes more into detail about gene drives. Like the video, the article focuses on the effort to fight malaria, but it also reviews other applications of gene drives.
A brief podcast episode featuring an interview with Dr. Alekos Simoni, one of the Imperial College London researchers working on the Target Malaria consortium to eliminate malaria via gene drives.
A Kurzgesagt video summarizing the potential costs and benefits of GMO use.
An article on the ethics of GM foods.
An excerpt from Paul B. Thompson's From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for All (Chapter 7)
Recommend pp.210-226
May 4th, 2022 - June 1st, 2022
Moderated by Dr. Matt Deaton, Adjunct Ethics Professor at the University of Texas at Tyler
Abortion Ethics in a Nutshell: A Pro-Both Tour of the Moral Arguments: Chapters 1-4
August 31st, 2022 - September 28th, 2022
Moderated by Grant Sheft, Rising Junior at Horace Mann School in Bronx, NY
A Philosophical Discussion of the Ethics of the Death Penalty
An analysis of the Death Penalty from a Human Rights Context
A TED Talk by a member of a jury that sentenced a man to death
An article discussing the financial consequences of the death penalty
A video of a woman whose family was murdered discussing her thoughts on the death penalty
An article discussing Singapore's execution of an intellectually challenged individual
October 12th, 2022 and November 9th, 2022
Moderated by Sandy Borden, Director of the Western Michigan University Center for Ethics in Society
UNGLI (The Finger) is a 2014 Bollywood production about four friends and professionals living in Mumbai. They witness a devastating scene when their “meddling” mentor helps a stranger. The group decides to become “meddlers” of a different type, believing that to be effective they need to go “beyond a candle march.” They form a vigilante gang with the name and motto the UNGLI (The Finger). The film revolves around the chain of “pranks” the gang carries out to expose the many injustices residents face daily in dealing with institutional impunities, and in their encounters with the corrupt practices of local politicians.
Age of Consent: Canada's Original Vigilante Pedophile Hunter
Self-proclaimed vigilante Justin Payne's night job is pretending to be a 13-year-old boy online. His targets establish online relationships and set up in-person meetings with him. Documenting these encounters, with help from his cameraman Gerry, Justin publicly shames and confronts his online predators.
Additional Readings:
May 27th, 2023 - August 5th, 2023
Moderated by Cullen O'Keefe, Research Scientist in AI Governance at OpenAI
May 27th, 2023 - The Ethics of Longtermism
An article introducing longtermism
An article discussing the importance of the 21st century in human history
Visualizing the deep learning revolution by Richard Ngo, January 5, 2023
A.I. experts are increasingly afraid of what they’re creating by Kelsey Piper, November 28, 2022
Opinion: 8 Questions About A.I. by Phoebe Lett and Jeremy Ashkenas, June 1, 2023
No readings -- question-based
Harvard Graduate School of Education Edcast: Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence
TEDxTalk: How to Solve AI's Ethical Puzzles
Ours For The Making YouTube: The Curious Thing about "Longtermism"
October 5th, 2023 - November 2nd, 2023
Moderated by Eilene Koo, Sophomore at the University of Michigan studying Philosophy
Rules of Order section (p.3-4) in Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum's visitor regulations (link)
An essay on memory museums
"Preserving Collections of Memory" blog post
A set of guidelines for museums from the American Historical Association
February 13th, 2024 - March 19th, 2024
Moderated by Michael Szporluk, International Criminal Justice, International Development, and Disability Rights Advocate
A video on disability and future work
May 23rd, 2024 - August 15th, 2024
Moderated by Abdul Ansari, Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the University of Michigan
Susan Wolf's Meaning in Life and Why It Matters, pgs. 77-89
Angus Deaton's Deaths of Despair and Capitalism
Kathyryn Edin's The Tenuous Attachments of Working-Class Men, pgs. 211-22:
Antti Kauppinen's Meaningfulness and Time
February 24th, 2025 - March 24th, 2025
Moderated by Eduardo Martinez, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnatti